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El Periodico. 3 Setember 2007

Verano de altura académica. Vacaciones en el MIT

Deccan Herald . 9 October 2007

Building Jack's beanstalk

La Vanguardia . 27 November 2007

Pasión por la ciencia

El Periodico . 2 March 2009

La electricidad inalámbrica se convierte en una opción viable


16.03.2011 Our Four Showcases has been admitted in the Living Labs Global Award 2011

Joining QR Codes and Smart phones technologies to increase the citizen participation and information.

04.03.2011 New release (3.0) of WAMI Codes is now available

A new WAMI Code Release (3.0) has been delivered. It permits to include more data, in a lower size code.

10.02.2011 New release (2.0) of WAMI Codes is now available

A new WAMI Code Release (2.0) has been delivered. It improves data security, and major free text posibilities.

08.02.2011 WAMI Codes are in the market

A new useful implementation of QR Codes is now available.
The Wami Codes® (Where / Who am I?) that permit to share your location or your personal / professional ID informatiom (vcard format) using QR Codes.